
The Cal Falcons webcams were made possible by hundreds of individuals who donated to a crowdfunding campaign in 2018. Without their support, none of this would have been possible. Cal Falcons is additionally supported by the following organizations and groups:

The University of California Berkeley was founded in 1868 and is the top public university in the United States. UC Berkeley has been a scientific pioneer since its founding and has been home to over 100 Nobel laureates.


The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology was founded in 1908 with the financial support of Annie Montague Alexander (Annie the falcon’s namesake). She hired Joseph Grinnell (Grinnell the falcon’s namesake) as its first director. The museum contains hundreds of years worth of collected specimens and has been integral into research on climate change, physiology, and the effects of pesticides like DDT.


The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory is a part of the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, a non-profit organization founded in 1981 to encourage conservation at the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The Golden Gate Raptor Observatory is one of the largest organizations monitoring west coast raptor migrations. It is made up of hundreds of volunteer citizen-scientists that have collected migration data for over 35 years.




The Institute for Bird Populations collaborates locally, nationally, and globally with individuals, government agencies, and NGOs in diverse fields to assess the effects of land management actions, climate change, and other ecological stressors on bird and other wildlife populations. IBP uses cutting-edge science to create practical solutions to the conservation challenges facing wildlife in a changing world.


The East Bay Regional Parks is a system of beautiful parklands and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to the east of San Francisco. The system comprises nearly 125,000 acres in 73 parks, including over 1,250 miles of trails. We acquire, manage, and preserve natural and cultural resources for all to enjoy.


Established in 1979, the mission of the Institute for Wildlife Studies is to gather information necessary to maintain biodiversity and viable populations of all species, and enhance our understanding of the animals with which we share our world.