Thank You 2021

The 2021 breeding season is drawing to a close. The chicks are still on campus, but have not been spending much time at the Campanile. We will still try to document any sightings on camera, but can’t make any guarantees about where they will choose to spend their time!

This has been a truly amazing year and we wanted to take a moment to thank everyone involved in this project. First and foremost, we’d like to thank Annie and Grinnell and all their fledglings, including this year’s: Fauci, Kaknu, and Wek’-wek.

In the non-feathered category, there is an army of people and institutions who made this happen. We would like to thank:


–172 Crowdfunding Donors for initial webcam funding

–Thousand of t-shirt supporters for additional webcam and stream support funding

–The University of California, Berkeley

-Permanent Network Funding:

Office of Chancellor Christ

-Facilities Services:

Karen Larsen

Maria Garcia-Alvarez

Eric Ellisen

Todd McFerren

Daniel Bohnet


-Communications and Public Affairs:

La Dawn DuVall



Martin Garcia

Gary Thomas

Pablo Membreno



Sparky Carranza

Wade MacAdam


–Nest Box Construction:

Mary Malec

Paul Romanak


–Nest Box Installation:

Doug Bell

Sean Peterson

Lynn Schofield

Mary Malec


–Camera Installation:

Peter Sharpe

Doug Bell


–Nestling Banding 2021:

Zeka Glucs

Sean Peterson


–Website Design:

Sean Peterson

Lynn Schofield

Carla Cicero

Michelle Koo


–Camera Operation:

Sean Peterson

Lynn Schofield

Jan Ambrosini

Mary Malec

Allison Levin


–FledgeWatch 2021:

Mary Malec

Jan Ambrosini

Allen Fish

Tim Stroshane

Christina Tarr

Suzanne Marr

Judith Dunham

Kris Diede

John Davis

Alison Levin

Cheryl Elmore

Pat Young

Bridget Ahern

Alison Fish

John Baylor

Sean Peterson

Lynn Schofield

Vireo Peterson-Schofield


And finally, we’d like to thank everyone who watched every moment with us, from first egg to first flight, your enthusiasm, curiosity, and excitement has really driven this project.

Thank you.

-The Cal Falcons Team

Doug Bell, East Bay Regional Parks

Carla Cicero, UC Berkeley – Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

Allen Fish, Golden Gate Raptor Observatory

Mary Malec, East Bay Regional Parks/Golden Gate Raptor Observatory

Sean Peterson, UC Berkeley – Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management

Lynn Schofield, The Institute For Bird Populations

Peter Sharpe, Institute for Wildlife Studies


Interested in helping support Cal Falcons? You can donate to the program here. Donations will be used for camera maintenance, education, and research.